
The Moment

How to create a routine that nurtures you ✨

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader,

Do you remember the “That Girl” trend from 2021?

“That Girl” is someone who gets up early, meditates, drinks a smoothie, journals, works out, eats healthy food, and takes her vitamins all before 8 a.m.

The craze has died down now, but there’s still a lot of advice out there telling you to cram as many ‘good’ habits as you can into your mornings (and life in general).

I know I’ve gotten sucked into lists on Pinterest for the perfect morning routine and thought to myself ‘If only I follow that list, my life will be so much better’.

Does it ever work out that way? No, not really.

Now there’s nothing bad about wanting to have these kinds of habits. These activities on their own are good for you.

But it’s unrealistic to expect yourself to sustain that kind of routine day in and day out.

This idea of overstuffing our calendars has been on my mind as I recently started and promptly abandoned two time management books.

Both were about extremely busy people who, instead of trying to do less, relied on throwing money at their problems to give them more time (which I don’t think is a viable solution for a lot of people).

I’m all for spending more time on the things that matter, but life doesn’t have to be filled to the brim to be fulfilling.

So what’s the alternative? What does a more realistic, sustainable routine look like?

In this week’s post, I’m sharing how my approach to routines has changed over the years and how you can embrace a little less and still feel satisfied.

at the moment.

💡 Make your life more boring: On this week’s topic of simplifying your routine, I saw this video about making your life more boring in order to make it easier. Sometimes the boring choice is the one we need to avoid burnout.

💭 A good thought: “I have found that it is only when I stop resisting entirely—stop judging, stop trying to control, stop tensing against, stop avoiding—only then do I arrive in an open, tender, and healing presence.” - Tara Brach, Trusting the Gold

a moment of bliss.

A moment of bliss is something in your day that you’re savoring or grateful for, no matter how small it might seem.

My daily moment of bliss includes accomplishing my tasks on my to-do list while listening to music!"

— Micke

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The Moment

by The Blissful Mind

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