
The Moment

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Change your thinking with a mindful pause ✨

Hi Reader, How often have you laid in bed at night wondering where your day went? Maybe you’ve asked yourself, “Did I do anything meaningful today?” or “Am I just living the same day over and over again?” You might ask yourself these questions and think it’s time to change your circumstances: time to move, time to quit your job, time to book a one-way ticket to Europe. But what if these thoughts are caused by our habitual minds rather than the situations we find ourselves in? Buddhist teacher...

A selection of beauty boxes

Hi Reader, Have you gone down the rabbit hole of personality systems and color analysis like I have? From astrology to Myers-Briggs, many of us find comfort in categorizing ourselves. These tools give us words to describe who we are and why we are the way that we are. They help us feel understood and seen. But what happens when the need to get everything 'right' becomes overwhelming? I’ll admit that I’ve been deep down the color analysis rabbit hole (if you’re not sure what I’m talking about,...

Hi Reader, Does life ever feel so unnecessarily complicated? If it does, you’re not alone. I recently moved to a new state and was in the process of trying to get health insurance. I started my online application (great, so easy), but the system couldn’t seem to verify who I was. I gave them a call (not so easy), and they told me I’d have to speak with a registered agent, in person, who could verify my identity (okay…sensing this isn’t going to be easy at all). I called all three recommended...

Hi Reader, Take a moment to listen to the sounds around you right now. What can you hear? As I write this newsletter, I can hear garbage cans being rolled around outside, cars driving by, and a neighbor muttering to himself. There’s always so much going on around us, and noise pollution might be affecting you more than you realize. Everyday sounds can disrupt our health, focus, and ability to truly listen. On the flip side, silence can do wonders for our brains. Research suggests that quiet...

Hi Reader, There’s a motto I like to tell myself when my thoughts are all over the place: “Your head is not for storing information.” Sure, our minds are great for generating ideas and finding solutions to problems, but they’re not great at remembering every little thing that needs to be done. That’s where the inbox system comes in. I recently shared about how closing the open loops in your life can help reduce stress, and the inbox system is one way you can manage and organize those open...

Hi Reader, Do you remember the “That Girl” trend from 2021? “That Girl” is someone who gets up early, meditates, drinks a smoothie, journals, works out, eats healthy food, and takes her vitamins all before 8 a.m. The craze has died down now, but there’s still a lot of advice out there telling you to cram as many ‘good’ habits as you can into your mornings (and life in general). I know I’ve gotten sucked into lists on Pinterest for the perfect morning routine and thought to myself ‘If only I...

Hi Reader, Do you feel like everyone else has their lives figured out while you’re still unsure of your purpose and direction? When I was twenty, I thought thirty-something me would have all my ducks in a row and every little detail of my life in order. Instead, my thirties are teaching me that unexpected twists and turns are all part of the journey. Perhaps it’s good that things are never set in stone because it means we’re always evolving and learning more about ourselves as the years go...

Hi Reader, How often do you find yourself avoiding the things that you want to do? Perhaps it’s a big life goal that feels overwhelming, or maybe a smaller daily habit that you know makes you feel better. It’s easy enough to avoid the things we don’t enjoy, but you’d think it’d be easier to do the things we actually want to do. Time is obviously one of the key factors (and one of my top excuses) for not doing something, but I think energy is even more of an issue. We only have so much mental,...

Hi Reader, A few years ago, I wrote a post encouraging people to stop searching for answers. The topic came from my own experience of seeking out ideas and solutions from other people whenever I felt stuck in life. After all, it’s natural to want to see how other people have navigated difficult situations. But this would lead me to obsessively search for answers, trying to find the *right* one that would somehow fix everything in my life. What I learned through a lot of trial and error is...

Hi Reader, I mentioned in my last email that I’ve been in a creative rut for the past few years, and I’ve just generally been feeling stuck with where I’m at in life. It feels like I’ve been moving through wet cement, trying to get somewhere but I’m not quite sure where. Late one night, I decided to search on YouTube for the phrase ‘how to transform your life.’ I knew I needed some form of change, but I wasn’t sure what. The younger me would have thought I needed to do something drastic like...